
Payments processed through the sites below will reflect on your credit card statement as "ZissuTravel.com".

If you have any enquiries, please contact TravelGround on:
0860 022 103
International customers, please call: +27 21 200 7572
Alternatively, email bookings@travelground.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1Why does ZissuTravel.com appear on my credit card statement?
AZissuTravel.com appears on all credit card transactions done through the websites of TravelGround.com and LekkeSlaap.co.za.
Q2Is ZissuTravel a scam? Why does ZissuTravel have other websites contact details?
AZissuTravel is not a scam. It is the original brand name of both TravelGround and LekkeSlaap. As such, both of these websites use "ZissuTravel.com" as a reference for credit card billing purposes.
Q3What are TravelGround and LekkeSlaap?
ATravelGround and LekkeSlaap are websites which list, and provide a booking service, for a variety of accommodations across South Africa. TravelGround is an English site, while LekkeSlaap is the Afrikaans sister-site for TravelGround.
Q4So what did I buy for ZissuTravel.com to appear on my statement?
AIf ZissuTravel.com appears on your statement, it means you have paid for an accommodation online, via TravelGround.com, or via LekkeSlaap.co.za.
Q5How do I contact ZissuTravel if I have further questions?
AZissuTravel has re-branded to become TravelGround (our English accommodation website) and LekkeSlaap (our Afrikaans accommodation website). To contact us, please use the above listed contact details, and please choose the website based on the language you'd be most comfortable conversing in.
Indien jy enige navrae het, kontak LekkeSlaap gerus op:
086 999 0018
International customers, please call: +27 21 200 7582
Of stuur 'n e-pos na besprekings@lekkeslaap.co.za

Gereëlde Vrae

V1Hoekom verskyn die naam ZissuTravel.com op my kredietkaartstaat?
AZissuTravel.com verskyn op alle kredietkaarttransaksies wat deur TravelGround.com en LekkeSlaap.co.za gemaak word.
V2Is ZissuTravel 'n verneukspul (“scam”)?
AZissuTravel is glad nie 'n verneukspul nie. Dit is die oorspronklike handelsnaam van beide TravelGround en LekkeSlaap, en daarom gebruik beide hierdie webtuistes “ZissuTravel.com” as 'n verwysing vir kredietkaartbetalings wat gemaak word.
V3Wat is TravelGround en LekkeSlaap?
ATravelGround en LekkeSlaap is aanlyn-besprekingsbladsye wat verskeie akkommodasie-opsies in Suid-Afrika lys en aanbied. TravelGround is 'n Engelse webtuiste, terwyl LekkeSlaap die Afrikaanse eweknie is.
V4Wat het ek van ZissuTravel.com gekoop om op my kredietkaartstaat te verskyn?
AAs ZissuTravel.com op jou staat wys, beteken dit dat jy vir akkommodasie aanlyn, via TravelGround.com of via LekkeSlaap.co.za, betaal het.
V5Hoe maak ek kontak met ZissuTravel indien ek enige ander vrae het?
AZissuTravel het 'n nuwe bladsy met sy handelsmerk omgeslaan om TravelGround (ons Engelse akkommodasie-webtuiste) en LekkeSlaap (ons Afrikaanse akkommodasie-webtuiste) te word. Kontak ons gerus by die kontakbesonderhede wat hierbo verskaf word, en kies asseblief die webtuiste gebaseer op jou taalvoorkeure.